Match report from our captain Bill Tracey:
On Tuesday 18th, Bexhills 1st team made the short journey to Hastings to play their 1st team in our final league match.
Hastings, as expected, put out their strongest team as they are in with a chance of finishing 2nd in the league.
Our team, in board order was Andrew, Janis, Andy and Michael.
Janis was first to finish. He played the Dutch against his opponents English and came out of the opening with a slight advantage.
Unfortunately his opponent, rated 250 points higher played a very strong middle game and eventually gained a point for Hastings.
Michael played very well against an opponent out rating him by 350 points but eventually had to concede.
Andy has recently gone over 1900 rating points, an outstanding performance by an 11 year old.
He fought hard right to the end but did get into time trouble. His opponent, rated 165 points higher,
eventually gained the upper hand and won another point for Hastings.
Andrew on board 1 continued his fine season and gained a very solid draw against Hastings’ top player. Again there was a big rating difference, this time of 210 points so this represents a fine game by Andrew.
Overall Bexhill were out rated by over 1000 points and yet halfway through the match all games were still competitive.