Bexhill 4 had a very successful trip over to Eastbourne. Three of the Merchants and Alan took on Eastbourne’s fifth team.
On board 1, Alan finished quickly, pinning his opponents queen to checkmate and putting the first point on the board for Bexhill. Sharon on board 4 was next to finish. After some initial pressure coming out the opening, Sharon launched a devastating king side attack and her opponent was forced to resign.
Next to finish was Sam on board 2. He went into a tricky rook and pawn endgame a pawn up, and managed to see it home.
Last to finish was Sebastian on board 3. He was playing another very strong Sussex junior and they were the last to finish, battling it out late into the night as the clocks ran low. Sebastian was up an exchange but down a few pawns. His opponent played very well, and the pressure of the pawn assault was too much, and finally Seb had to resign.
Overall, a 3 – 1 victory for Bexhill 4.