
Bexhill 4 away to Haywards Heath 3

On Thursday 18th January, our fourth team travelled to Haywards Heath to take on their third team.

Our team in Board order was Jo, Sam, Sebastian and Sharon.

Sharon was first to finish. A very steady and even opening progressed to a very tight and even middle game. Sharon was offered a draw, and being low on time, made the decision to secure the half point for the team.

Sebastian on board three was next to finish. Initially he went up an exchange, but some great play in the middle game from his opponent meant he had to give back the exchange and with the weaker pawn structure, eventually went into a losing endgame.

Sam on board two played a great game. He got a pawn up in the opening and played a solid middle game taking his one pawn advantage into the end game and playing some accurate moves in the endgame to give Bexhill the win!

Last to finish was Jo on board 1. It was very tight all the way through. With both players low on time and a very closed end game with no way through in sight, they agreed a draw.

Final score: 2-2.

Many thanks to Jo for driving and thanks to Chris for your hospitality.

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