On Friday 26th February our 2nd team entertained Crowborough 2
in Division 2 of The Sussex League.
Our team, in board order was Leo, Steve B, Bill L and Steve M.
Unfortunately our opponent’s board one thought the match was at Crowborough! So Leo did not get a game
Steve M was first to finish. He took full advantage of his opponents desire to pinch a couple of pawns whilst Steve developed and eventually overwhelmed his young opponent and won in good style.
Bill on 3 fought hard but going into the end game was a Bishop down and this proved decisive.
Steve B on 2 became involved in a long, complex and exciting game. We just needed a half from this game to win the match, which Steve was clearly aware of, but he pushed hard for the win, keeping me on tenterhooks!
Eventually with a draw looking the most likely result Steve offered the draw and his opponent who was in time trouble agreed.
Final score Bexhill 2.5 Crowborough 2 1.5