Mid Sussex league

Bexhill 2 v Bexhill 3

Match report from our captain Bill Tracey:

Friday 25th October saw the opening match of the Sussex League Division 2 when our 2nd and 3rd teams played each other.

The teams were as follows:
2nd team James, Leo, Lawry and Ed.
3rd team Luke, Bill L, Oli and Bill T.

The match developed into a very well balanced affair.
On the top board James unfortunately made an early error that cost him a piece. Despite this he fought hard and caused Luke several problems, but Luke is too
good a player to not make full use of such an advantage and eventually emerged victorious.

On board 2 Leo and Bill L proved to be well matched and after a good tussle agreed a draw.

On board 3 The match between Lawry and Oli came down to a very tight Rook and Pawn
ending which looked quite drawish. However Lawry was eventually able to gain the upper hand and with a pawn promotion imminent Oli had to resign.

In my game with Ed I had the feeling that I was a little better for much of the game but Ed proved to be very resourceful and I was not able to prove my feeling and we eventually agreed a draw.

So the final match score was 2 all.

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